2020-2024 Researchers
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Rosalind McAlpine
Likes: dance, yoga, the sea, the woods, Croydon, fungi, film and chocolate
Dislikes: coriander
Karel Kieslich
Likes: teaching, rabbits & frogs, cities, films on MUBI, books, Nutella
Dislikes: unkindness, aggression, cars, raw tomatoes
Giulia Piazza
Likes: things out of proportion (e.g., miniatures, giants), good books, pets, tortelli and tortellini
Dislikes: competition, bad books, loud chewing, snobs
Thomas Steare
Likes: tennis, cooking, Stata
Dislikes: films longer than two hours, cats (dogs are the best), SPSS
Humma Andleeb
Likes: Sleeping, baking sourdough, writing, reading books on race and partition, tweeting
Dislikes: syntax errors, the patriarchy, racists, watching TV
2021-2025 Researchers
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Chatrin Suksasilp
Likes: Jazz and funk, learning to cook new cuisines, fluffy brown dogs, cats of all kinds
Dislikes: Hot weather, hay fever, the Central line
2022-2026 Researchers
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Tom Metherell
Likes: early 20th century piano music that he can’t play, nearly all varieties of cheese, clearly excessive water consumption
Dislikes: car-centric urban planning, cargo shorts, cardio, carabiners
Quentin Dercon
Likes: pastries, Belgian beer, techno, capybaras, long-form journalism, daylight saving time
Dislikes: closed-source software, "data/code available on reasonable request", exceptionalism
Georgie Hudson
Likes: baking, dressmaking, being a plant mum, cheesy Christmas films, piglets in wellies
Dislikes: losing things, allergies, “reviewer 2”
Erin Dawe Lane
Likes: Music, film, journaling, and getting out into nature.
Dislikes: Mayonnaise.
Merle Schlief
Likes: live music, jazz clubs, nature adventures, longboarding, cooking for friends and friends who cook for her
Dislikes: being stuck on public transport, bad books she feels like she has to finish, gatekeeping
Sarah Bakirci
Likes: good coffee, lifting weights, underground music scene
Dislikes: slow walkers on the pavement, Canadian winters
2023-2027 Researchers
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Jasmine Lee
Likes: HIIT training, good Asian food, a clean inbox, furry things
Dislikes: ‘networking’, ‘pan-Asian’ restaurants, London drivers
Alex Martin
Likes: Reading, running, 19th & 20th century painting, history podcasts, ‘slow’ movies.
Dislikes: Conspiracy theories, advertising, aniseed, ego-driven architecture.
Oliwia Stecko
Likes: musical theatre, learning new things about coding, sunny days in nature, cute rodents
Dislikes: broken boilers, narrow desks, bad science communication
Jehanita Jesuthasan
Likes: running, finicky baking projects, tea, French pastries, being in nature
Dislikes: birds, cities without greenery, people who lack empathy
Ritika Chokhani
Likes: researching books for TBR list; greenspace; museums; trying new foods; learning cool things from younger people
Dislikes: competition over cooperation; non-inclusive research cultures; lack of intellectual honesty; privileging only intellect over emotion
2024-2028 Researchers
To read more information about each researcher, click on their image.
Alexandre Piot
Likes: Houseplants, high quality duvets, hikes, Québécois folk music, harm reduction
Dislike: Inconsideration, loud noises, the tube, beets
Anabelle Paulino
Likes: concerts, charity bookshops, herbal tea, the Tate Modern
Dislikes: horror movies, lack of representation, the spinning rainbow wheel on Mac
Rosalind Robshaw
Likes: learning languages, asking questions, speaking to people at the supermarket checkout, climbing, the pub, handstands
Dislikes: going to bed, tidying up, being ripped off
Shalini Bhattacharya
Likes: engaging in dialogues, attending Buddhist discourses, swimming, learning about new scientific topics, going for walks with my dog, and spending time with my family.
Dislikes: horror movies, dark rooms, heights, hierarchy, and circular conversations.